South Central Operation
Established in 1946, the New Orleans office of Ceco Concrete Construction provides concrete formwork and concrete frame design and construction to clients throughout the Gulf Coast region including Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and the Florida Panhandle.
Iconic projects completed by the New Orleans office include Louisiana State University Stadium, New Memphis Arena, New Orleans Arena, and Turquoise Towers 1 & 2. In addition to providing everything from limited formwork scope to a full turnkey frame (Division 3), Ceco’s Gulf Region office can help extensively with preconstruction issues including structural system selection, design assistance and value engineering.
Ceco’s New Orleans office is accustomed to overcoming the challenges of a concrete contractor in the Gulf Region and regularly caters scope to suit client project needs. We perform on a wide variety of project sizes serving a diverse client base. Contact us today to bring value to your project.
Office Contacts

Andrew Robertson
District Manager